Ultrasonic Distance Sensor using Raspberry Pi Pico


The goal of this activity is to integrate a distance sensor with an  Raspberry Pi Pico board and measure the distances of the objects which are in its path and range.

Materials Required

  1. Raspberry Pi Pico -1    
  2. Ultrasonic Distance Sensor-1
  3. I2C Display Module– 1       
  4.  LCD 1602 Display – 1     
  5. Several Jumper Wires   
  6. Micro USB Cable-1                                       


Wiring Diagram

Desired Outcome

Place any object, say your hand, in front of the sensor. You will notice that the LCD1602 display will immediately display the distance of your hand from the sensor. You can now place various objects in front of the ultrasonic sensor to know how far they are from it.