Smart Fan


Every time you use a fan in a room it involves two steps:
• Go to the switch board and switch on the fan. It will run as long as it is switched on.
• When you leave the room, you must reach the switch board again to switch the fan off.
If you forget step 1 and get to work without switching on the fan, you have to get up and go to the switch board to switch it on. If you forget step 2 and leave the room without switching off the fan, it will continue to run even when there is no one in the room, resulting in wastage of electric power.

Materials Required

1. Arduino UNO R3 – 1
2. USB Cable – 1
3. Breadboard – 1
4. Ultrasonic Sensor – 1
5. DC Motors – 1
6. L293D Motor Driver – 1
7. Propeller Blade – 1
8. Several Jumper Wires

Wiring Diagram

Desired Outcome

In conclusion we can say that our Smart Fan solution addresses and provides solution to the problems cited in the problem description section of this project. However, we must keep in mind the exceptions that are identified in the solution exceptions section.