Touch Sensor Controlled LED
Aim The goal of this activity is to control an LED using a Touch sensor. Materials Required Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 LEDs -1 Touch Sensor - 1 220Ω Resistors - 1…
Aim The goal of this activity is to control an LED using a Touch sensor. Materials Required Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 LEDs -1 Touch Sensor - 1 220Ω Resistors - 1…
Aim The goal of this activity is to make Flip flop LED chasers using transistors. Materials Required Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 LEDs -2 BC547 Transistors - 2 100 Capacitors - 2 10kΩ…
Aim The goal of this activity is to observe how an LED is fading away when we switch ON the push button. Materials Required Breadboard -19V Battery -1LEDs -1470μF Capacitors - 1Push…
Aim The goal of this activity is to know how to connect LEDs in series. Materials Required Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 LEDs -3 Several Jumper Wires Wiring Diagram Series Connection Desired…
Aim The goal of this activity is to know how to connect LEDs in parallel. Materials Required LEDs -1 Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 LEDs -2 Several Jumper Wires 220Ω Resistors-1 Wiring Diagram…
Aim The goal of this activity is to demonstrate charging and discharging of a capacitor. Materials Required LEDs -1 Breadboard -19V Battery -1Pushbuttons-2Several Jumper Wires 470μF Capacitors -1 Wiring Diagram Demonstration of charging and discharging of…
Aim The goal of this activity is to control an LED using a button. Materials Required LEDs -1 Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 Pushbuttons-1 Several Jumper Wires 220Ω Resistors -1 Wiring Diagram Button controlled…
Aim The goal of this activity is to make a blinking LED using a 555 timer. Materials Required Resistors 100kΩ & 10kΩ -1 Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 NE555N Timer-1 Several Jumper…
Aim The goal of this activity is to demonstrate a basic LED. Materials Required LEDs -1 220Ω Resistors-1 Breadboard -1 9V Battery -1 Several Jumper Wires Wiring Diagram Basic Led Desired Outcome…
Aim The goal of this activity is to control a car by giving your voice using Bluetooth module Materials Required Arduino UNO R3 – 1 USB Cable – 1 2WD…